Time to Slow Down

The Power of Restorative Yoga

Winter is a time where all of nature slows down, the nights are longer, the days are shorter. Animals hibernate after spending time gathering food to hunker down for the colder season.

Trees shed their leaves to prepare for new growth in the spring. The whole natural world accepts this as part of the cycles of life- the ebb and flow of rising and falling energy through the year.

Except for us humans! Even though everything around us slows down, we still attempt to function at 100 miles per hour. This can be taxing, but it is ESPECIALLY hard on us when our true nature is to soften and quiet during this season. Restorative Yoga is about deep rest and finding time to restore and recharge ourselves.

This practice is what we tend to resist, but what we need more than ever right now. 

How does restorative yoga work?

Unlike the more active forms of yoga, restorative poses focus on supporting your body so that your mind can relax. Your nervous system realizes that it doesn’t have to hold you up anymore- you are being held and supported by what’s around you.

This is extremely relaxing and people often report a sense of deep restfulness after a restorative class that they haven’t felt in months, years, or sometimes ever!

At first it may be hard to lie still, especially if you are someone who is always on the move. However, these are the people I find need this practice the most.

After the first pose or two, they are able to settle and end up getting the most out of it. If you’ve never tried Restorative Yoga, now is the perfect time! And it’s perfect for later in the evening to help you wind down and get ready for deep and restful sleep. 

I hope you’ll join me this Tuesday at 6:45 pm for Restorative Yoga at Pause Yoga and Pilates for Restorative Yoga!

All classes, memberships and packages are 20% off at Pause through the end of December, so this is the perfect time to get started with your Restorative Yoga practice. Use CODE: 20OFF

Call Dr. Derya