About Dr. Derya

Dr. Derya’s goal as a physical therapist is to create a healing environment where YOU are the priority, not the insurance companies. Dr. Derya is a Doctor in Physical Therapy, Postural Restoration Certified, and also a certified Yoga Instructor. She is passionate about helping her patients have agency in managing their symptoms and achieving as much resolution of symptoms as possible.

Dr. Derya started out working in a busy outpatient clinic, but was frustrated that she couldn’t practice the way she knew her patients deserved because of the limitations created by insurance companies. She was limited in the time she could spend with people, and was forced to focus on what insurance companies thought was important, not what was important to you, the patient.

In this situation, Dr. Derya felt that her patients were unable to reach their full potential.

In an effort to create an environment that focuses on her patients and what matters most to them, Dr. Derya created Essential Physical Therapy.

Her philosophy is that the patient and their goals are always the top priority.

Dr. Derya always sees her patients as individuals, someone with their own unique needs and concerns. By taking time to get to know YOU, both you and Dr. Derya can be certain your best interests will be the priority.

With a unique and holistic approach that incorporates breath, symmetry, awareness, you will get back to what you love to do faster, and prevent future physical issues. You will achieve more freedom and flow in your body. Whether you and Dr. Derya are working on some or all of those things, the most important thing is that YOU feel in control of your health and have a say in what goes on during your treatment.

Don’t let a third party insurance company make your decisions for you. Dr. Derya is an ally in the health of all her patients, and her primary intent is that you have a great experience, feel heard and well-cared for, and are able to do all the activities that really matter to you.

You can see a list of Dr. Derya’s post-doctoral continuing education, including Postural Restoration Institute Courses, here.

Call Dr. Derya