Whiplash, Pain, and the Brain.

Earlier this week it snowed a lot. Then it melted, and froze overnight. And when I took my dog out for her morning walk, well, you can probably guess what happened. I didn’t make it 20 feet from my door before my feet slid out from under me on a patch of ice and I landed hard on my butt, with my head being painfully snapped back. I was, of course, a little stunned and went back to my house to survey the damage. No broken bones, just some bruises. Over the next few days I monitored myself for signs of concussion, which , thankfully, there were none, but what I did have was a painful stiffness and ache in my neck when I tried to move my head. “Oh great,” I thought. Whiplash.

An Icy Morning.

When I first walked into my house after slipping on the ice, these were the thoughts in my head, “oh no, you have a delicate neck. This is going to be so bad. You are going to be dealing with this for months. What if you have another concussion? That’s going to really mess you up…” and on and on.

Luckily, I had the knowledge and training to know that these thoughts would be the most significant factor in my speed and completeness of my recovery. Even though it was hard, I started to change my self talk. I said to myself, “this is not that bad. You’ll get over it soon with a couple days for your strained muscles to heal. You didn’t hit your head, and there are no signs that anything is seriously wrong. You’re going to be ok.”

At first, I didn’t believe these words I told myself, but I kept up with it. And, over the course of the day, I started believing a little bit of it. But more importantly, my body felt less tense and guarded. Now, three days later, my neck pain is almost completely gone. I didn’t have to go to a chiropractor or have needles stuck in my neck. I didn’t have to do any special exercises except some breathing to calm my nervous system. I didn’t even have to change my daily activities and still did what I would usually do, including exercise.

Of course, it’s not always that easy, and it has not always been the case for me to get over neck pain that quickly. I have had many neck injuries of varying severity, and the pain of them has plagued me for many years of my life. I tried everything, acupuncture, chiropractic, and of course several physical therapists. Those all helped, but my neck pain never really went away until I changed the way I thought about my pain. I know, I know, it sounds like I’m saying, “it’s all in your head.” Which is just not true. But, it is true that a lot of it is in how your head and your body talk to each other.

Pain and the Brain

You see, the brain determines levels of threat, and sends signals to our body on what to do accordingly. When your brain perceives high threat, it starts emitting neurotransmitters that tell your body to tense, to breathe more shallowly, and halt healing processes.

This is actually really good. For example, let’s say you’re a wild human and you get attacked by a tiger. You find yourself bleeding and injured, and your brain knows that it needs to get your muscles tensed and ready to go so that you can hoof it back to your village before you die in the middle of the prairie. (Do tiger’s even live on prairies? Anyway, you get the idea). Your brain, in that moment, is not worried about healing. Healing occurs when you get back to the village and your wounds can be tended, you are safe.

But what if you never get to the village? What if the stress of getting attacked by a tiger is replaced with the stress and worry that’s associated with chronic neck pain, the fear that you will never get better, the threat of having to deal with a stiff neck on top of all the other things you are having to deal with in your life right now?

In this scenario, your body never gets a signal to relax, to soften your tensed muscles, to release a cascade of neurochemical transmitters that promote healing. You become caught in a troublesome feedback loop: your muscles get’s tense, which causes your brain to percieve threat. As a result of that percieved threat, your body get’s more tense. And on and on, until you find yourself dealing with months to years of pain with no one able to explain to you why it won’t go away.

Getting out of the Cycle of Pain

I have been there, in that loop. I have a tendency to go back there, maybe it’s just how I’m wired. I have to actively, consciously, change the way I think about my body and pain in order to subvert that loop. And it works. I also use relaxation techniques and mindfulness meditation practices to assist me in this process. But what has been so fascinating to me is that this is the missing link in healing from chronic pain, and, perhaps more importantly, preventing it in the first place.

This is not news to the medical community; there have been plenty of studies linking a patient’s outlook on recovery to how well they actually recover. This mind body connection is starting to become more popular in pain management, but in most cases it is not emphasized or even acknowledged in our healthcare system. Certainly, there are appropriate times to seek invasive modalities or even surgery, but shouldn’t we start with an intervention that is very low risk and potentially very high reward in regards to resolution of symptoms?

I have created some resources to help you manage your pain and to prevent yourself from developing chronic pain syndromes. It starts with being able to sense and feel your body, in a non-threatening way. This will allow your brain and body to get out of the cycle of threat and pain and back into fluid, alternating, reciprocating motion.

Getting Back in Your Body

A great place to start getting back in your body is with this simple 5 minute Guided Body Awareness Technique. (You should try it, it’s really relaxing!)

Five Minute Body Awareness Exercise.

Remember, pain is not just in your body, and it’s not just in your brain. Whoever says that mind and body are two separate things is just wrong. You can’t treat one and not the other and expect to change the patterns that we live in. If you find yourself in chronic pain, be kind and gentle with yourself. Reconnecting with the sensations in your body is the first step to letting go of these stuck patterns.

May you find ease in your body.

– Dr. Derya

Am I still dealing with My Concussion?

When we think of a concussion, we often think about football players or someone who has taken a blow to the head. While this is where a lot of concussions happen, many more happen in ways that are less talked about. Whiplash, such as from a car accident, can cause a concussion as the brain strikes forcefully against the skull and shears neurons that descend from the brain. In the same way, a fall can cause a concussion – even without a blow to the head, especially in older adults.

Who Gets Concussions?

Concussions can occur in older adults who slip or fall (even without hitting their head!), children, athletes at all competitive levels, military personnel who sustain blast injuries, adults who slip on the ice getting into their car…etc. Basically, anyone can get a concussion.

What is a Concussion?

A concussion is a trauma to the brain significant enough to cause a brief change in mental status or consciousness. Recovery for a concussion has a natural healing time of 4-6 weeks. That means that unless you have signs that you will need rehab immediately, often the best course of action to take during that time is resting appropriately under observation of medical provider.

That said, in my experience there is a lot of confusion about what appropriate rest means, and furthermore what is appropriate is unique to each individual. Too much rest is not helpful, and too little is certainly not helpful, and either of those could be harmful or delay recovery. So please, if you or someone you know has had a concussion (or you even suspect they had one) get clarity on what “rest” means from a provider who is well versed in concussion rehab.

Symptoms of a concussion can be vague and are different for each person. Many people never end up seeking care or are misdiagnosed. Catching a concussion early is very important because the research supports that early intervention results in much better outcomes.

Early Symptoms of Concussion

  • Headache
  • Neck Pain
  • Mood changes
  • Fatigue
  • Sleepiness
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Sensitivity to light/sound
  • Double/blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • Balance deficits
  • Focus/memory deficits
Headaches and neck pain are common early symptoms of concussion

Post-Concussion Syndrome

Many patients, especially those who were not diagnosed or did not receive rehab or proper guidance early on, end up with long lasting symptoms that they just accept as “part of their life now.”

Once it has been 3 months since the original injury, these patients technically no longer have a concussion, but rather post-concussion syndrome, which indicates chronic symptoms. However, patients often don’t realize that these symptoms are still treatable and are not something that they have to live with!

So why do symptoms persist for so long with post-concussion syndrome? The body and brain find ways for you to keep doing what you have to, by compensating for deficits rather than addressing root causes. For example, when you have a deficit in the part of your nervous system that tells your brain where your body is in space, you compensate by relying on vision for balance. This works okay for a while, but dizziness occurs when your vision is over stimulated, such as when you are trying to look around while hiking, or are in a visually stimulating space such as the grocery store, or when you can’t access your vision well, like in a dark movie theater.

Symptoms of post-concussion syndrome

  • Dizziness
  • persistent headaches and/or neck pain
  • reduced tolerance to lights/sounds
  • feeling unsteady, especially when walking or in busy environments
  • fatigue
  • a sense of fogginess or feeling “not quite right.”

Persistent fatigue or feeling “not quite right” are common symptoms of post concussion syndrome

What can be done to help? 

When a person experiences dizziness or balance deficits, the affected systems need to be trained with specific exercises at optimal dosages. Over time, these treatment strategies reduce your symptoms by teaching your body to move away from compensation and strengthen the parts of your system that have become weakened.

As I mentioned before with rest, knowing exactly how much to do and when is key for achieving recovery. Doing too much can overwhelm your system, whereas not doing enough will not result in any gains. That’s why working with someone trained in concussion rehab is essential for you to continue to improve without exacerbating your symptoms.

Longer-term Symptoms of Untreated Concussion: 

  • Loss of libido
  • Low blood pressure
  • Loss of mensturation
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Growth problems (children)
  • Weight gain
  • Early dementia
  • Chronic headaches/dizziness
Long term symptoms of concussion can affect multiple systems of the body.

What to do if you experience a concussion:

  • Decrease your screen time.
    • Try to spend less time looking at a computer screen, phone, or i-pad.
  • Allow yourself rest.
    • After a concussion, most people feel the need to sleep more than usual. This allows the brain to heal. Give yourself permission to spend extra time sleeping.
  • Continue to engage in light aerobic exercise.
    • While vigorous physical exertion may worsen symptoms and delay healing, light aerobic activity can help you heal faster. If you are not sure how much to exert yourself safely, a physical therapist can perform an exertion test to determine how you respond and give you guidelines for how to exercise on your own.
  • Listen to your symptoms.
    • Stimulating environments and even changes in head position can provoke symptoms. If you notice triggers like these, allow yourself to experience mild symptoms but avoid situations that cause symptoms to become severe.

Important Note: Depression and anxiety are one of the most common symptoms following concussion. In 90% of cases these symptoms resolve with time. However, in some cases these symptoms can be more severe or persistent, especially if there is a history of depression or anxiety, or presence of stressful life events. Many patients benefit from more in depth care in this arena, such as meeting with a psychotherapist in addition to physical therapy to achieve full recovery.

Dr Derya Anderson has extensive experience working with patients who have had a concussion. She also has attended continuing education courses (below) that are specific to concussion management:

May 2019 Stress, Movement and Pain. Speaker: Seth Oberst, PT, DPT

July 2018. Concussion: Vestibular System Abnormalities and Ocular Motor Examination. Taught by Susan L. Whitney, DPT, PhD, NCS, ATC, FAPTA

March 2018. Concussion Basics. Assessment, Screening and Risk Factors. Taught by: Anne Mucha, PT, DPT, MS, NCS and Susan Whitney, DPT, PhD, NCS, ATC, FAPTA

March 2018. Clinical Subtypes Following Concussion: A conceptual Framework for Evaluating and Managing Concussion. Taught by: Anne Mucha, PT, DPT, MS, NCS and Susan Whitney, DPT, PhD, NCS, ATC, FAPTA

October 2017 Vestibular Dysfunction- An algorithmic based Evaluation and Treatment. Speaker: Barry Morgan, PT

March 2017 Innovative Approach to the Management of the Cervical Spine: Maximizing Outcomes in Fewer Visits. Speakers: Jeff Ryg, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT. Kristen Carpenter, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT

November 2015 Orthopedic and Neurologic Perspectives on Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Management. Speakers: Wendy Kriekels, PT, DPT, NCS, David A. James, PT, DPT, OCS, SCS, CSCS, Michael R. Greher, Ph.D., ABPP-CN, Katherine S. Dahab, MD, CAQSM, FAAP

Nov 2015 APTA SIG Event: The Role of Physical Therapy in Concussion Care. Speaker: Ann McNamara, PT, MPT, CCCE

Call Dr. Derya